Floralicious Plus®


Whether plants are just showing their first true leaves or they’re in full flower, they need root support that’s reliable and nutritious. That’s where Floralicious Plus comes in.

This concentrated plant nutrient was developed to foster microbial activity in a plant’s root zone — the most important aspect of any gardening endeavor. Soil microorganisms play a key role in keeping plants nourished, and when roots can take advantage of these microbial benefits, they thrive. Metabolic growth is promoted, leading to robust foliage and fruit/flower development.

Floralicious Plus gives you the building blocks you need for establishing this kind of solid foundation.

Floralicious Plus features a unique combination of protein-building compounds, seaweed extracts, complex plant sugars and carbon-building components to keep roots nurtured throughout the plant life cycle. The supplement also encourages uptake of minerals and other nutrients to spark metabolic growth and promote flower development. Our No. 1 nutrient additive, Floralicious Plus is a highly concentrated solution that offers benefits for any setup, whether you’re using soil, coco coir, soilless mixes or hydroponics.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.